Figure The Fox And The Hound - Disney Traditions

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On a beautiful spring day, these inseparable enemies of nature, Rox the fox and Rouky the dog, are playing hide and seek. This Disney drawing by Jim Shore really portrays the personalities of these characters.

Resin figure
Height: 14.6 cm
Width: 10.2 cm
Length: 12.7 cm
Hand painted
Designer: Jim Shore

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Average Rating

4.9 / 5

( 42 Reviews For This Product )
5 / 5
4 / 5
3 / 5
2 / 5
1 / 5

42 Reviews For This Product

by Fabien
31/01/2025 (5 days ago)
Purchase in November 2020
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What memories

Que de souvenirs

One of the most beautiful scenes represented in a statuette... I love it... So adorable! If you had to choose a statuette from this animated film, this one is simply perfect, detailed, colorful and faithful 😍

Une des plus belles scènes représentée en statuette… J’adore… Tellement adorable ! Si vous deviez choisir une statuette de ce film d’animation, celle-ci est tout simplement parfaite, détaillée, colorée et fidèle 😍

by Antonino
29/01/2025 (1 week ago)
Purchase in January 2025
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Red e toby

Red e toby

Beautiful figurine, Red the little fox and Toby the hunting dog puppy play carefree swearing to be friends forever unaware of what the future holds for them once they grow up

Statuina bellissima, Red la piccola volpe è Toby il cucciolo di cane da caccia giocano spensierati giurandosi di essere amici per sempre ignari di quello che gli riserva il futuro una volta cresciuti

by Mario
21/01/2025 (2 weeks ago)
Purchase in December 2024
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How can you not love them?

Come si fa a non adorarli?

I am a collector of Disney dolls, but they are rarely created if there are no princesses involved. The Red & Toby figurine is perfect, along with others that thanks to Città del Regalo will arrive in the next few months, to fill the gaps in my display cases. Beautiful!

Sono collezionista di doll Disney, ma difficilmente vengono create se non ci sono principesse di mezzo. La statuetta di Red & Toby è perfetta, insieme ad altre che grazie a Città del Regalo arriveranno nei prossimi mesi, per colmare le lacune nelle mie vetrinette. Bellissima!

by Charlene
06/01/2025 (1 month ago)
Purchase in December 2024
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Rox et rouky

Rox et rouky



by Margherita
02/12/2024 (2 months ago)
Purchase in February 2021
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Amazing Red and Toby figurine by Jim shore 😻

Incredibile statuetta di Red e Toby di Jim shore 😻

Beautiful figurine of Red and Toby Disney traditions signed jim shore. Beautiful and depicting the famous scene of the animated film 😍😍

Statuetta bellissima di Red e Toby Disney traditions firmata jim shore. Bellissima e raffigurante la famosa scena del film d’animazione 😍😍

by Jonathan
29/11/2024 (2 months ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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disney traditions

disney traditions

Perfect I recommend

Parfait je recommande

by Carolina
28/10/2024 (3 months ago)
Purchase in October 2021
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Red is Tobi 🤎

Red e Tobi 🤎

One of the most beautiful Jim Shores 🐾

Una delle Jim Shore più belle 🐾

by Elodie
18/10/2024 (3 months ago)
Purchase in September 2021
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Nice figurine but casting defect

Jolie figurine mais défaut de moulage

Very beautiful scene from this legendary Disney. Rouky is simply magnificent. Unfortunately, Rox has defects due to the mold I think

Très belle saynète de ce Disney mythique. Rouky est tout simplement magnifique. Malheureusement, Rox présente des défauts dus au moule je pense

by Alexandre
28/02/2024 (11 months ago)
Purchase in May 2023
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The detail is really there

Le détail est vraiment la

by Marijke
18/02/2024 (11 months ago)
Purchase in April 2022
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Beautiful, but of lower quality

Mooi, maar minder kwalitatief

A nice statue, the finish is good, but it does not weigh much. The sticker says 'made in Cambodia'. A huge difference in weight compared to similar figurines I have that were made in China.

Een mooi beeldje, afwerking is goed, maar het weegt niet zoveel. Op de sticker staat 'made in Cambodia'. Een enorm verschil in gewicht tegenover gelijkaardige beeldjes die ik heb die in China gemaakt zijn.

by Aurélie
21/01/2024 (1 year ago)
Purchase in January 2024
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Gorgeous !

Magnifique !

Iconic scene of Rox and Rouky, perfectly transcribed. Magnificent figure!

Scène emblématique de Rox et Rouky, parfaitement retranscrite. Figurine magnifique !

by Daniela
17/01/2024 (1 year ago)
Purchase in January 2024
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Beautiful article, defined down to the smallest details. I thought it would be smaller, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Bellissimo articolo,definito nei minimi dettagli. Pensavo fosse più piccolo, invece sono rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa.

by laetitia
20/12/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in February 2021
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A magnificent scene

Une scène magnifique

by Flores
17/12/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in January 2021
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Rox et Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Too cute Jim Shore tradition figurine of Rox and Rouky.. a magnificent story about friendship!! I adore !!

Trop mignonne figurine tradition jim shore de Rox et Rouky.. une magnifique histoire sur l’amitié !! J’adore !!

by Elodie
10/12/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2020
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Perfect, magnificent.

Parfait, magnifique.

by Jeremy
18/09/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in January 2021
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Rox et Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Perfect condition, careful details

Parfait état, détails soignés

by Cindy
07/09/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in August 2023
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Frank and Frey

Franck et Frey

Bought for my nephew because it's his favorite Disney movie. He's super smart with that. I also have it in my collection. So beautifully done

Acheté pour mon neveu car c'est son film Disney préféré. Il est super intelligent avec ça. Je l'ai aussi dans ma collection. Si joliment fait

by Marie-Christine
05/09/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Very nice duo of friends

Très beau duo de copains

by Celine
29/08/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in May 2021
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Very nice figure

Très belle figurine

as a big fan of Rox and Rouky, I couldn't miss it! She is superb

en grande fan de Rox et Rouky, je ne pouvais pas la manquer ! Elle est superbe

by Fabienne
28/08/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in May 2023
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Very beautiful disney tradition very beautiful finishes and beautiful colors

Très beau disney tradition très belles finitions et de belles couleurs

by Audrey
25/08/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2020
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Disney tradition Rox and Rouky

Disney tradition Rox et Rouky

This figurine is a marvel because in addition there are few figurines on price and roucky. Thank you gift city for allowing us to acquire such wonders 😍🙏❤😘

Cette figurine est une merveille car en plus il existe peu de figurines sur prix et roucky. Merci cadeau city de nous permettre d acquérir de telles merveilles 😍🙏❤😘

by Amandine
12/08/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in March 2021
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Very nice figure

Très belle figurine

by jean claude
10/08/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in April 2023
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rox and rouky

rox et rouky

the 2 accomplices are very similar amazing quality

les 2 compères sont très ressemblant qualité incroyable

by Benoit
31/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Adorable 😍 Very nice piece

Adorable 😍 Très belle pièce

by Marine
31/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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Rox and rouky

Rox et rouky

Great 👍 😉

Super 👍 😉

by Christiane
28/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in April 2021
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by Viviana
27/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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finally represented also red and toby

finalmente rappresentati anche red e toby

by Justine
21/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in October 2021
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Very nice figurine, beautiful well painted details

Très jolie figurine, beaux détails bien peints

by Federica
20/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in July 2023
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Red is Toby

Il rosso è Toby

Very beautiful and well-defined statuette, I recommend it to you 😍

Statuetta molto bella e ben definita ve la consigliooo😍

by veronique
02/07/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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by Jean Luc
30/06/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in May 2021
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rox and rouky

rox et rouky



by Aude
13/06/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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Très beau

by Roberto
08/06/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in May 2023
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red is tobi

il rosso è tobi

I got to know Jim Shore's sculptures thanks to gift city and every time I buy one I am more and more fascinated

ho conosciuto le sculture di Jim Shore grazie a citta' del regalo e ogni volta che ne acquisto una rimango sempre piu' affascinato

by sylvain
22/05/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in May 2023
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Super statuette for this cartoon from the Disney studios. One of my favorites. 10/10

Super statuette pour ce dessin animé des studios Disney. Un de mes préférés. 10/10

by Virginie
22/05/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in December 2020
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I really like this piece representing friendship and complicity 🥰

J'aime beaucoup cette pièce représentant l'amitié et la complicité 🥰

by Virginie
22/05/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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Beautiful and large figure

Belle et grande figurine

Very beautiful and very large figurine of this duo. The details are very well done.

Très belle et très grande figurine de ce duo. Les détails sont très bien faits.

by Isabelle
06/05/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in April 2021
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all my childhood

toute mon enfance

I loved the cartoon; we can see their friendship

j'avais adoré le dessin animé; on voit bien leur amitié

by Julie
03/05/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in March 2021
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I love this scene!!

J'aime cette scène !!

by Manon
28/04/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in April 2021
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Rox and Rouky figure

Figurine Rox et Rouky

Magnificent Jim Shore figurine, which perfectly resumes a scene from the cartoon.

Magnifique Figurine Jim Shore, qui reprend à merveille une scène du dessin animé.

by Gwendoline
15/04/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in November 2021
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A little small

Un peu petit

The figurine is very beautiful but a little small, I had imagined it larger.

La figurine est très belle mais un peu petite, je l'avais imaginer plus grande.

by Corinne
11/04/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in February 2022
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

If you like these 2 makeshift companions, you're going to fall for it

Si vous aimez ces 2 compagnons de fortune, vous allez craquer

by Marion
09/04/2023 (1 year ago)
Purchase in March 2021
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Rox and Rouky

Rox et Rouky

Delighted to have this magnificent figurine in my collection! I dreamed of this scene and Jim shore made it! She is sublime

Ravie d'avoir cette magnifique figurine dans ma collection ! Je rêvais de cette scène et Jim shore l'a faite ! Elle est sublime